A Nerd Girl's World

You may never know the real me

Beautiful advice from a divorced man after 16 years of marriage August 18, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Anna Theresa @ 9:57 pm

Raven :) July 7, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Anna Theresa @ 10:32 pm

Raven :)

I used imadeface to make this 🙂


This isn’t a Game Anymore… May 13, 2013

Filed under: Personal life — Anna Theresa @ 8:54 pm

First of all, I don’t have much time to write because of tasks what have to be done…

Well, I had a really serious chat with Raven, 2 days ago..

Some weeks ago, My school’s Chemistry team (Icon, Sheila, Vivienne, and April) along with 2 students from the math club joined a chemistry competition. They can’t use a calculator (how crazy was that!!!), and that’s the reason my teacher told 2 of the math club students to join in.

In my surprise, RAVEN JOINED TOO. his team even sat in front of Icon’s team T.T How envious I was..

Both teams of my school and both teams of Raven’s school made it to the semifinals, which was held 2 days ago. the day before, Raven did the Pre-Province Science Olympiad, another stage before the real Province Science Olympiad. (there aren’t such a thing in my Province, fortunately 😀 )

Wow, so it means that Raven must faced TWO kinds of very different sets of questions, the first one is math, and then Chemistry. How restless his brain is.

Back to the chemistry competition.. Unfortunately. Raven’s team and my school’s teams failed to go to the next round.. (all teams from my school and Raven’s school failed).

I first knew about this when I ask Raven himself. He said that it was just because of the psychological side (sure….), but our conversation began to grow more serious.

I was in a bad mood that time, knowing that I wouldn’t pass my math test, and I told him about it, and he began to cheer me up 🙂 he even used the emoticon ” 🙂 ” (to be honest, he SELDOM uses any emoticons) that cheers me up.. and when I told him about my negative thoughts about myself, he said something like..

“Don’t say that, God must create every human equally good”

That really lifts my mood 🙂 Then, he started talking about how he must think about having good grades at school to be able to go to a good-quality university.. which means (kind of) giving up the entire dream of getting a gold medal in National Science Olympiad. He didn’t even force himself to be able to pass Province stage and go to the Nationals.

This kinda surprised me, because I was having an exact same problem..

At one side I want to get a medal in National Science Olympiad, join the National Science Training (a.k.a my “Dream World”) again.. but when I got back, I realized that those things really affected my grades at school!

At another side, I want to get into a good university, so I must get good scores at school! oh, and one important thing:

Getting a medal in The National Science Olympiad doesn’t increase the chance to go to the favourite universities!!

So now I must choose.. the future is getting closer. Raven himself said, since his father passed away, he has been ‘addicted to study’. For ordinary people, that might seem creepy, but for me, a no-ordinary-person-who-always-tries-to-be-ordinary-at-school, it was very amazing.. I wish I could be like him..

I said to him that his ‘addicted to study’ thing was good, but he should always remember to take a rest. He’s a bit sickly. Then he said not to worry about that.

Another thing, yeah, I love Raven and I care about him so much, but now, since that long conversation, I decided not looking forward to have a relationship with him or such.. Both of us have a lot more important things to do. But of course, my feelings will stay the same ❤


A New Beginning April 14, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Anna Theresa @ 3:41 pm

Here we go again!!

The City Science Olympiad was held 11 days ago!

There were more competitors this year.. from my school, there was me, Beaver, my other friends Lane(F), Light(M), Bert(M), Nadya(F), and Einstein(M) (yes, right. his name is Einstein). I was the only 11th grader there -_- which made me feel old.

The competition took place in a public High School, let’s just call it “Ethnic” School. The competition for maths, physics, chemistry, biology, and IT was held on the first day, and the second day is for Astronomy, Economy, Earth Science, and Geography.

For Biology, there were 120 multiple choice questions, which must be done in 120 minutes. I did Ethology first, then genetics&evolution (my favourite!!), continued with Ecology, Biosystematics, Plants A&P, Animals A&P, and cell&molecular biology, being the hardest, I did the last.

The questions for genetics are easy, to be honest. But ecology and ethology were a bit tricky. as usual, Cell& molecular Biology was the hardest part (But it is still easier compared to last year’s questions, maybe because I didn’t know as much back then).

This year, students ranked 1-9 will go to the Province Science Olympiad

The results were in the next day! Here is the result:

Maths: Rick got the 6th place, it means he passed!!! 😀 unfortunately. the others (including my classmate Raphaelo) didn’t :(. By the way, Rick is a 10th grader. Wow!

Physics: Vimmie, my classmate, got the 8th place!! I thought Ray, my other classmate, would pass to, but he didn’t..

Chemistry: AWESOME!!! All of the participants from my school passed!!! Icon, Sheila, Vivienne, and April!! Congratulations for them 🙂

Biology: I was happy but also sad when I heard the result…
– Praise God, I passed!!!! 1st position!! with the score of 74 (out of 120? not bad..)
– Nobody else passed. NOOOOO…. WHYYYY??? I thought, at least Beaver or Lane would pass..

IT: NOBODY. PASSED. I was shocked. everybody does. especially my IT teacher, Mr.France. Because, the IT students (at least 1 of them )have always been able to win the competition, and pass to the next level.

Astronomy : Andy passed! alhthough there isn’t any astronomy club at school, and he didn’t even join the FSC, he did it!!

Economy : Mitchie passed. I was expecting more, actually 😦

Earth science : Nobody passed 😦

Geography : Nobody passed 😦

So.. those are the results! Like last year, there are 9 people from our school who are able to join the Province Science Olympiad, which will be held on the early days of June 😉 Wish us luck!!

P.S. I don’t know for other cities result, but I have gotten the news that Milky passed! 🙂 I haven’t known about Beta and Shine though. Nor about Giraffe, Joker, and Raven.. But I bet Raven made it to the next round! 😉


EDIT: Some days ago I was told that Strella (Economy) and Egbert (Geography) passed too!! Hooraayy!! 😀


Last Day in FSC!! March 19, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Anna Theresa @ 10:39 pm

the FSC for this month has finished! the Science Olympiad competition will start on the third of next month! (for biology, for maths, it is on the second)

I’ve got some friends there, in biology class:

1. Milky :3
2. Beta. He told me a lot of things about his class (also Raven’s and Giraffe’s) at school, about his class that consist of only 9 students, 7 boys and 2 girls (and one of the girls will move to Canada on May…), their (hard) lessons, etc..
3. Shine. A smart 10th grader girl from Beta’s school. She’s really nice 🙂
4. Meatball and Tofu (that’s how they call themselves). Meatball is a chubby girl, and Tofu is a pale-skinned boy who is, actually quite good looking (if he removes his glasses..). I thought they are couples! they really act like one! But when I asked them, they said that they are just “friends”.
5. Yes. That’s right, that’s his name 😀 he’s really good at playing Icon Pop Quiz, he guessed almost every single one of them..
6. Beaver. (Duh.. he’s from my school)

They’re all very nice! I hope I can meet and compete with them in the National Science Olympiad!! 😀


Dark, Light, and Raven

Filed under: Uncategorized — Anna Theresa @ 10:27 pm

Life is so full of happiness, but also sadness..

Raven’s father.. passed away last Thursday 😦 . He had suffered with leukemia for about 3 years or so. You wouldn’t be able to imagine Raven’s and his mother’s feeling.. But I understand that God has decided the best thing to happen. When I got the message from Raven’s Facebook status, I suddenly lost my mind a bit.. My mind was full of images of Raven and his mother crying, and his father laying down..

Raven.. he looks like his father very much. His father’s skin is pale white, almost just like Raven (only his skin is a little bit.. not pale, I can say)

I know from one of my teachers about the leukemia. She said that Raven’s father has struggled to fight that leukemia since we were the 8th grader. Raven himself, he once got frustrated, stated that he is not a helpful child, and even said that he isn’t worthy to live. Worst, he once said to me that he better commit suicide.. 😦 of course I tried my best to prevent that from happening. Then, he started to complain about himself being “ugly” (THIS.IS.DEFINITELY.NOT.TRUE.FOR.ME) and being “not smart enough” (THIS.IS.ALSO.DEFINITELY.UNTRUE).. Hey! I think he’s more or less perfect, yet he still said that stuffs, which made me truly sad. 😦

After his father’s death, I’m worried that Raven will get even more frustrated. But I was really shocked when I saw him in FSC, wearing his favourite football club jacket. unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to talk to him personally.

But the good thing is, now he regained a new spirit, especially for the National Science Olympiad. He said that his participation in this event this year, is dedicated to his father.. So touching..

I pray for Raven and his family every day, after praying for my family and friends. Now, I’m sure that his father is with God in Heaven, that now he’s happy, that now his pain is gone..

Deep condolence from me..

The lessons that I learned:

1. God ALWAYS give the best things for us, although we sometimes don’t understand what He thinks, but He always thinks and does the best for us.

2. We have to love our parents more.. they are the only parents that we have.. (this is what Raven told me).


FSC January 27, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Anna Theresa @ 11:27 pm
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As I said in the last post, My school’s foundation holds a science club every year. 10th and 11th grade students must undergo a selection test before being able to enter this Foundation Science Club (FSC in short), except for some ‘special cases’ like me and my-friend-who-has-the-Milky-doll (so let’s just call her Milky form now!!) who has attended the National Biology Olympiad (and even the National Biology Training).


We’ve done the 2nd meeting until today. I haven’t know much, I only know Milky, my friend from school Beaver (coz his face kinda looks like a beaver, awwww :3).. I haven’t really known the rest.

But I recognized some names, though, like the friends of my ‘everything’ (well, my ‘everything’ is just so phony.. let’s just call him…RAVEN, I’ll tell the reason why I’d call him that).. maybe I can call Raven’s friends.. Alpha and Beta.

Milky has some friends from her school too.. one of them was very arrogant that I wanted to punch him! He kind of underestimated me when he knew about my school (FYI, my school is the newest school among the others’).. but he really didn’t know about me, and not to be arrogant, my achievements.

Btw, Raven attends the FSC too, but he joins Math. One of his friends, Giraffe (because of his tall and skinny body), joined the National Science Olympiad!! Wow, he sure is a great competitor..

Oh yeah, about the reason I call him ‘Raven’.. you know there is a biology book entitled ‘Raven’, right? I don’t have the ebook, but he has one. I asked him for the ebook. It was so long ago that I thought he had forgotten about it. But yesterday, just YESTERDAY, he came to me and lent me his USB, and that ebook was inside!!! which means, he actually remembered!! 🙂 Yay! ❤

I actually have really really a lot stories about Raven, maybe I’ll tell you that later~


Some Short News

Filed under: Personal life — Anna Theresa @ 10:57 pm
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Well, it’s been a long time, yeah, I’ve been really really busy..

Here is what experience I’ve got from October till now!! 🙂

  1. The National Biology training. it was TRULY the best moment I have in my  life!! unfortunately, I didn’t go to the next training, which will start in March, but that’s ok. I’ve made friends with a lot of people, and learned a lot about biology, and what TRUE FRIENDSHIP really is 🙂 
  2. New semester. yeah, nothing special, I just felt that the Christmas holiday wasn’t long enough 😦
  3. My school’s foundation Science club! Maybe, just maybe I’ll tell you more later about this..
  4. My birthday which was on *blahblahblah*. Well, I’m 17 now. no celebration. that’s it.

Well, that’s it for now. the other things are kinda boring..

By the way, I took some (actually, about 600 photos) in the National biology training! Here, I’ll share some, but not too much because I don’t want my friends to know that I have this blog (cause it will be very embarassing..)


the photo above was taken in the lab, when we had an animal systematics experiment, which was about frog! we had to identify each of the frog’s species, and so on..


the photo above is about another animal systematics experiment, whose theme was about insects.


Hello October! October 1, 2012

Filed under: Personal life — Anna Theresa @ 12:26 am

Well.. it’s been a long time since I last posted. I’ve been really, really busy!!

First, I joined the national biology Olympiad on the 2nd until the 7th of September.

I didn’t get a medal, though, but still, I had a lot of fun, made a lot of friends, etc.. and below is the photo of Milky, my friend’s doll!!! 😀


but that’s not the REAL thing now.

You know what?? I’m chose to be one of the participants in the ‘national training’ that will start in the 14th of this month!! I was like, WOW!! I couldn’t believe it!!

15 12th graders and 15 11th graders are chosen for the national training. and Luckily, I am the 14th eleventh grader!! Well I’m close to the borderline, but that’s okay.

The good thing is, I can meet my best friends again!! YES!!!! they’re really what can you call REAL friends. not like my fake school friends.

Recently, I’ve done two weekly tasks. the first one was about ethology, and the second one was about animal physiology (which was really hard). I’m kinda frustrated. I mean, I can’t be myself, ANYWHERE. At school, everyone expects me to be PERFECT.. and in the ‘national training’ later… I do believe that I really have to struggle to be able to adapt with others..

Time flies so fast.. and I just realised that today is October. well, I hope I can do better in my studies this month.


And Everything Started to Fall game review May 17, 2012

Filed under: Games — Anna Theresa @ 4:54 pm


And Everything Started to Fall is a platform game which has a deep meaning.

the control is simple, using arrow keys for moving and ‘s’ key for jumping and swimming (if you’ve gained that ability)

The game has some ‘checkpoints’, once in every start of the character’s stage of life. if you fall down, you can play again from that checkpoint, and you can fall down as many times as you want, without getting a ‘game over’ screen or such.

If you play it patiently, it’s actually an easy game. Don’t be too careless because you will fall easily, and it will be annoying for some people to replay the same stages again ;P

But the main reason for this game to be interesting is the meaning. (warning, spoiler alert!)


You started as a baby, and then a child (which you gained the ability to jump in this stage), 

In the child stage, You can move faster than as a baby, you jump on white squares and rectangles, and you can see some pictures at the background, showing what you do (e.g. playing with your dog and with your friends, and playing baseball later on), you jump and jump, enjoying your childhood.


After reaching the school building, you will become a teenager.

You can move faster and jump farther than being a child! but the game gets a bit harder too. the platform will also move faster (maybe, means that life is harder the older you get?).

This is the most interesting part of this stage: There are two choices of your path:

  • The left part, starting from the left ladder, it shows yourself being a good teenager (studying, creating a volcano model)
  • The right path, starting from the right ladder, showing yourself being a bad boy (smoking, using drugs, even killing somebody)

You can change side if you want, if there is a ladder in the middle of the screen, like the screenshot above.

This stage clearly shows the life of typical teenagers. in reality, we (including me ._.) are divided into two sides, the good side and the bad side, and we can change sides, from bad to good, and (sadly,) from good to bad. (and I think I’m in the left side, obviously 😀 )

The right path seems easier, though, just like in reality. being the bad guy is sometimes easier.

How about the left path? you can fall easily, just like the beginning of the child stage. it’s what exactly happening in real life. Being good have a lot of risks too, like being bullied by friends, called a ‘nerd’ (but that’s OK for me, though)

If you’re not patient enough, as I said before, you can change the path. and some people will maybe try the right path if they’re tired with the left path (because they always fall down). In reality, good teenagers can follow their bad friends more easily, than the other way around.


No matter which side do you choose, you will go into the next stage, the adult stage.


In this stage, you gained another ability: swimming! You’ll swim inside ponds full of money.

In this stage, you started from a building with a ‘work’ sign. then you started to jump less and swim more. it’s easier than the previous two stages, I think.

But it also has a deep meaning. jumping less.. I think it means that adults are more stable than teenagers or children. they don’t fall as easily as teenagers and children.

Swimming inside of the money pond, obviously tells about how adults think a lot about money and financial problems.. in reality, many people ‘died’ in this stage because of depression.. Luckily, in this game you’re a successful person (no matter if you choose the right path as a teenager).

Maybe a lot of people enjoy this stage so much more than the previous stages. but before they know it.. the game will move.. to the next stage. The menopause stage (I can’t find more suitable name for this stage 😛 )


First, don’t worry.. you’re not the one who is inside the coffin, you’re the one who is jumping (and, it’s not your dead spirit, you’re not dead, yet)

You start to walk slower.. and jump lower.. but you gained the ability to push something, but you don’t need any buttons to do it, just push your arrow keys like when you’re walking.

This stage clearly tells about the life of the people who are getting older. at first, they have to avoid eating junk food and drinking alcohol.. and the sad part is like the screenshot above. attending your friend’s funeral. that friend is maybe the friend at the child stage whom you buried in the sand.. or another friend that was playing baseball with you..

It’s getting sadder after the funeral. you started to ‘climb’ a pyramid (using the blocks you can push and then jump on it), with medicine pictures for the background. I’m sure the meaning is that you’re getting older, and your physic is getting weaker..


The next stage is the old stage (sorry, no screenshot 😦 )

You can’t jump any more. you’re a sick old man in a wheelchair, being pushed by a nurse.

then you find a ladder.

Then it’s the saddest part of all, I personally think :,(

you climb the ladder automatically, and your memories show at the background.. until you reached the top, which is the next and the last stage.


which is your death.


The conclusion, I think the meaning of this game is that, no matter what you do, you’ll be dead someday. but you can make your life interesting by doing many things.. and, you can only live once, so you have to choose the right path of yourself (at the teenager stage), because in reality, you can NOT always be a successful person, especially if you choose the right path.

One more thing, on the background of the entire game, there is a clock spinning. the clock is getting smaller the older you get, but it moves faster (and it stopped at the time when you die). I think that means that the older you get, the shorter your living time, but your life will feel faster, because there are a lot of things to do.

This game is a very good game. it’s very simple, but the meaning is very deep, and it can teach us about a lot of things..

You can play and download the game here:



Enjoy the game with your family and friends! this game is suitable for all ages! But please be patient in playing this game, and don’t get angry if you fail a lot of times! because trust me, the game will be easier when you reach the adult stage! 😉